Similar words: cattleman, little by little, a little, not a little, for a little, chicken little, amicable settlement, quite a little.

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2. Pointed out the new media culture brings many a little makes a mickle commercial effect by the knowledge economy.
3. At the same time, many a little makes a Mickle idioms from another side proved that fur clothing has a long history in China.
4. Many a little makes a mickle. Over time, a long levee of logs was thus formed.
5. Although such likelihoods effect is very little, but many a little makes a mickle .
6. Huge fortune was indeed accumulated from a little amount at primary stage, it has the same reason that many a little makes a mickle and many tiny drops accumulate to form a river.
7. In development of 10 years, before 5 years, those who lean is the network game player of sharp increase, many a little makes a mickle, develop of course rapid.
More similar words: cattleman, little by little, a little, not a little, for a little, chicken little, amicable settlement, quite a little, a little while ago, mickle, it takes all sorts, little, littler, belittle, belittled, little dog, little hand, little-known, little girl, littleness, gentleman, troublemaker, trouble maker, little brother, little wonder, little sister, little finger, gentlemanly, count for little, to little avail.